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Brief Therapy With Couples and Families in Crisis

Author: Robert Taibbi

Publisher: Routledge

ISBN 10: 0415787815
ISBN 13: 978-0415787819

ISBN 10: 0415787807
ISBN 13: 978-0415787802

As the average length of therapy shortens, clinicians need a resource to lead them step-by-step through the goals and process of the opening sessions of brief therapy as well as clear treatment maps for the most common presenting problems. This resource helps clinicians do just that and more, including doing a quick assessment and isolating and addressing the underlying emotional wounds that prevent families and couples from solving problems on their own. Readers will not only learn how to "think brief," they will also discover how to navigate the session process in an interactive and action-oriented way, even with clients who are in high-pressure, crisis situations.