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How to Help an Addict: Pulling the Addict Out of Hopelessness and into Freedom

Author: Paul Simmerman

Publisher: Independently published

ISBN 10: 1793391637
ISBN 13: 978-1793391636

THIS BOOK IS A GOLD MINE! If you have an addict in your life, and most of us do, you know how difficult it is to watch them go through life in bondage. It is frustrating, fearful, and even enraging at times. A lot of times we tend to feel like the addict we know is beyond help. That they will never change. Believe me when I tell you, Paul is proof that even those deepest in bondage can be pulled out. The best people to have an impact on the addict are those who know and love them the best- and that’s YOU! You just need some tools to do so. You just need to understand a little better what is really going on with them. You need to get a vision of God’s thoughts about the situation. This book will help you do that. This is an unconventional method of helping addicts from the perspective of a recovered addict.