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Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up: Silver Lining Emotional Detox Journal & Workbook

Author: Ann Silvers MA

Publisher: Silvers Publishing, LLC

ISBN 10: 1948551004
ISBN 13: 978-1948551007

Emotional Detox Journal/Workbook Combination

Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up can help you learn from painful negative emotions (past and current), so that you can let go of them and be much lighter—lighter as in lit up with insight, lighter as in less bogged down, and lighter as in happier. You get a lightened up trifecta!

The Learn, Let Go, Lighten Up journal/workbook has been created by counselor Ann Silvers, MA through decades of helping clients process what burdens or overwhelms them. Ann begins the workbook with guidance about effective journaling that can help you work through negative, unresolved, or destructive emotions for trauma release, anger control, increased self-awareness, and a healthier happier you.

Based on Research

Research shows that people’s mental and physical health improves after they write about stressful situations, but only if the writing includes their emotions. The most helpful journaling about stressful situations includes the connected emotions, thoughts, and insights. When all three components are present in the journaling, writers tend to improve physically and psychologically (less illness, less stress, less depression, better grades . . .).

The journaling pages in “Learn, Let Go, and Lighten Up” are organized with prompts to help you dive into, and express, all three components that make up the most helpful journaling practices:

  • emotions,
  • thoughts, and
  • insights.

A bonus positive side-effect of following the journal/workbook prompts is that as you process your emotional pain you will also boost your Emotional Intelligence and be better able to understand and process negative emotions when you experience them in the future.