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Stop Smoking: Easy Ways to Stop Smoking, Get rid of that Nasty Habit (Health, Addiction, Quit Smoking, Cigarettes)

Author: Phil Morgan

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN 10: 1537774123
ISBN 13: 978-1537774121

Stop Smoking Easy Ways to Stop Smoking, Get rid of that Nasty Habit (Health, Addiction, Quit Smoking, Cigarettes) Smoking is a serious social issue since the damages not only affect regular smokers, but also others who live around them, the so-called passive smokers. Although for non-smokers, it seems incredible that a small cigarette can practically dominate the lives of millions. Only people who have tried to stop smoking know how difficult that is and how much it costs. With the help of a lot of international organizations, new medicines are created in order to support the fight against cigarette addiction. Even though it´s legal and socially accepted, nicotine is a highly detrimental drug in your body, it creates dependency and organic conditions that decrease the quality of life of who uses it, destroying peoples’ lives and dreams around in the world. Life is much healthier without tobacco; if on this occasion you have not been ready to face all the guidelines that we have set for you above, remember that: people whose friends and families give him/her a hand to stop smoking has much more possibilities to achieve this. So you can count on one of your family members or friends. If you don’t want to let your parents or relatives know that you smoke, ensure that your friends know it, and consider the possibility to ask for helps to a counselor or to another adult of confidence. And, if you have many difficulties to find people that support you (if, for example, all your friends smoke and none of them is interested to leave it), perhaps it’s better to join to a group of support, perhaps a face-to-face way or connected to Internet. If comes a time that where you have tried many times and have not accomplished nothing, please, be patient. Making face to relapse, try again and again, it is never too late. But if you had achieved of a flip, congratulations!