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The Anxiety Answer Book

Author: Laurie Helgoe Ph.D.

Publisher: Sourcebooks

ISBN 10: 1402204027
ISBN 13: 978-1402204029

An estimated 19 million adult Americans suffer from anxiety disorders. And anyone who has struggled with anxiety and panic attacks understands that each day brings a new set of fears and challenges.

The Anxiety Answer Book is an authoritative reference for these adults and their loved ones, providing sound advice and immediate answers to their most pressing questions.

- What is a panic attack?
- How does a panic attack happen?
- Can a panic attack hurt me?
- What is the difference between fear and phobia?
- How do I deal with trauma-based anxiety?
- What kind of medications will help me?

Written in an easy-to-read question and answer format, The Anxiety Answer Book helps readers cope with their anxiety, conquer their fears and seek treatment when necessary.