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The Givers & The Takers

Author: Cris Evatt

Publisher: Papaya Press

ISBN 10: 0970818106
ISBN 13: 978-0970818102

ARE YOU MORE OF A GIVER OR MORE OF A TAKER? Do you have an unbalanced relationship with your lover, kids, friends or coworkers? Oddly, people who give excessively often believe they give far less than they do. Why? Because giving is so easy for them. Likewise people who give far little believe they give more because giving is such a chore. Both types are manipulative. Learn 30 Giver-Taker traits in this provocative book. Spot the two personality types more easily. By reading THE GIVERS AND THE TAKERS, you will find out how to become vastly more assertive and less codependent. You will quit enabling Takers to take advantage of you and confuse you by calling you selfish. This book is clear, quirky, powerful and life-changing. It is a text to be read and reread, studied and debated, but mostly incorporated into your relationships.