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The Heart of Intimate Abuse: New Interventions in Child Welfare, Criminal Justice, and Health Settings (Springer Series on Family Violence)

Author: Linda G. Mills PhDLCSWJD

Publisher: Springer Publishing Company

ISBN 10: 0826112161
ISBN 13: 978-0826112163

This startling analysis of violence within intimate relationships contends that every abusive relationship has, paradoxically, a heart of its own. Practitioners must acknowledge and engage this dynamic emotional center in order for interventions to succeed.

The Heart of Intimate Abuse takes a broad, critical view of standard responses to abuse by today's criminal justice, social work, and medical systems--especially those that respond to violence with coercive interventions such as mandatory arrest, prosecution, and reporting laws.

Here is a bold vision of the core dynamics of abuse in families--a vision that professionals can use to realize new policies and implement effective interventions that reach the heart of intimate abuse.