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Will I Ever Be the Same Again?: Transforming the Face of Depression & Anxiety (Kivler Communications)

Author: Carol A. Kivler

Publisher: Three Gem Pub/Kivler Communications

ISBN 10: 0984479937
ISBN 13: 978-0984479931

Blessed with a loving family and a successful career, Carol Kivler was suddenly and unexpectedly brought to her knees by "The Beast" - clinical depression. The story of her journey to recovery from medication-resistant depression to sustained mental wellness is not only informative but inspires hope in others who suffer from this debilitating mental illness.

Kivler's book is written for multiple audiences, especially individuals who are suffering from clinical depression and their loved ones. It is also for health care providers, who often make the difference between "giving up" and "recovery" for those suffering from mental illness. Her "Courageous Recovery Wellness Model" provides a roadmap for recovery while addressing the misconceptions and pervasive stigmas associated with depression and mental illness.

Because medication did not work for her, and despite serious reservations, Kivler eventually agreed to ECT (electroconvulsive therapy, or shock treatment). ECT not only gave her back the desire to live, but the ability to thrive in her personal and professional lives. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) became her "ladder out of the depression pit." The book contains extensive information about a viable and very effective treatment option for medication resistant depression.

In this newly revised and completely updated edition, "Will I Ever Be the Same Again? Transforming the Face of Depression & Anxiety", Carol vividly describes her lived experience. She provides information and inspiration to reach beyond the myths and stigmas surrounding electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), depression and mental illness. Carol has been in sustained recovery for 18 years and is a nationally recognized mental health speaker, international executive coach, corporate trainer and founder/president of Courageous Recovery, Inc. a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.